My Collaboration with “Q & Lu”

Did someone say Scrunchies?!

Good morning beauts! Welcome to my channel if you are new, I am so happy you stopped by to check out my page! I hope everyone is having a great start to their week so far & I hope you have a bunch of goals set out that you wish to accomplish this week! As you beauts know the holidays are fast approaching and Christmas is literally around the corner!From that being said, I have been on the hunt for beautiful gifts or even stocking stuffers to share with you guys! At this time of the year, I honestly love browsing online and checking out everyone’s gift guide for 2019, do you beauts do the same thing?
This year, I decided to take part in this & share some beautiful finds in relation to beauty, lifestyle and fashion! Are you ready to hear my latest find? I am super stoked because it is a local Canadian company which I absolutely adore! I love supporting small businesses, especially Canadian ones!

It’s honestly no secret and no surprise that I absolutely adore scrunchies and hair accessories in general. Something about getting dolled up with your makeup, a cute outfit and then adding an adorable scrunchie either on your wrist or hair makes the outfit I think! I am super stoked and excited to state that I have collaborated with a gorgeous company called, “Q & Lu”! This company is from Woodstock Ontario. What I absolutely adore about this company was how stunning their Instagram page! It is such an eye catcher & their scrunchies are the absolute cutest ever!

Baby it’s cold outside!

The scrunchies that I received in the package were a combination of 4 different stunning Christmas ones! The first one is a gorgeous red plaid scrunchie and come on guys… you need to have plaid for the holiday season of course!

“Never a bad hair day with a Scrunchie!”

Does anyone else wear their scrunchies on their wrist like I do?

The second one is a subtle off white colour that looks super cute with so many different outfits! What I adore about these scrunchies is that they are so puffy and big, they aren’t flat like normal scrunchies! They are what I like to call, “extreme volume Scrunchies” and that my dears, is my absolute favourite.

Casually planning out my crazy week! Anyone else rely on their planners?

The other two are beautiful as well! One is a black one which I mean…. you can never have enough black scrunchies, am I right? And the other is this gorgeous silver design that is stunning! It is honestly so hard to choose which one is my favourite but I do have a soft spot for the plaid that’s for sure!

“Ho Ho Ho!”

“Scrunchies are a girl’s best friend”

What I absolutely adore about Q & Lu is how down to earth the owner is! Her name is Jannyssa and she just started her business 2 months ago. I am so proud of her and her cute little company! She is truly doing such an amazing job so far, and she just started! Way to go girlie, you truly are going places! She is so friendly to speak to as well, and I also found out that she is a twin too! How cool is that?! Twins for the win! I personally want to thank Jannyssa for allowing me to collaborate with her and her company! You are amazing, and I truly wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors!

Be sure to check out her stunning Instagram page at “@q_andlu”,or simply send her a direct message if you are interested in a custom order! I hope everyone has a beautiful day filled with endless amounts of scrunchies!

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